Everything You Wanted to Know About Finite Element Analysis

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) refers to a computational technique for analysing and simulating complex engineering and physical systems. It is a numerical technique used to address a wide range of issues in several disciplines, including electromagnetics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, structural engineering, and more. Without performing extensive physical testing, FEA enables engineers and scientists to forecast how a system will react under different circumstances. The basic concept of FEA is to divide a complex system or object into smaller finite elements or simpler sub-domains. These elements are connected to each other at certain points, called nodes. The mathematical equations tell the behaviour of individual elements, and the behaviour of the complete system is determined by combining these equations. That is why FEA consulting services are hired by companies belonging to various industries to optimise designs, evaluate performance, and ensure safety.

Types of FEA Tests

Finite Element Analysis can be classified into various types, including:
• Thermal Engineering Analysis
It helps identify how a part will perform under different temperature variations.

• Fluid Dynamic Calculations
Helps in gaining insight into the structural impact of the density of the fluid, something that is essential to know in the gas and oil industries.

• Engineering Seismic Calculations
Predict the performance of parts at various ground vibrations and frequencies.

• Modal Analysis
Offers insight into how outside forces like wind or travel speed can affect the performance of the part.

• Linear Static Analysis
Implement the linear proportions of a small-scale model into a complete structure to predict scenarios.

The Ways Finite Element Analysis Work
Here is how Finite Element Analysis usually works:
• Domain Discretization
The intricate geometry of the physical system must first be broken down into simpler components. Based on the software used and the nature of the problem, these elements might be triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedra, hexahedra, or other forms.
• Formulating Equations
To reflect the physical behaviour of each element, mathematical equations (usually partial differential equations) are generated for that element. The responses of the system to various forces, displacements, temperature changes, etc. are described by these equations.
• Assembling Equations
Once equations are created for each component, the system of equations for the full domain is put together. This set of equations, which frequently takes the form of a large matrix equation, reflects the behaviour of the entire system.
• Applying Boundary Conditions
To reflect real-world limitations or interactions with the environment, boundary conditions are applied to the system of equations. Fixed displacements, applied forces, temperature limitations, and other factors are among these circumstances.
• Solving the Equations
Iterative or direct methods are used numerically to solve the system of equations, which is frequently represented as a matrix equation. The objective is to identify the variables that explain the behaviour of the system, such as displacements, temperatures, stresses, etc.
• Post-Processing
After obtaining the numerical solution, engineers and analysts analyse the findings. Making visualisations of stress distribution, temperature profiles, fluid flow patterns, etc. may be necessary for this. Making decisions regarding redesigning or changing a design becomes easier due to these findings.

Top Advantages of Finite Element Analysis

FEA provides several advantages when it comes to producing a detailed set of results without having to do experimental assessments, plus it is quicker and more affordable. Check out the benefits of FEA at the following points:
• Handling Complex Geometry
Unlike traditional analytical methods, FEA can handle complex and intricate geometries without any hindrance.
• Multidisciplinary Analysis
A more thorough examination is possible because of ability of the FEA to model many physical phenomena simultaneously (for example, structural and thermal phenomena).
• Parametric Studies
Without building physical prototypes, engineers may quickly conduct sensitivity studies and investigate how changes in parameters impact the behaviour of the system.
• Cost and Time Efficiency
By offering virtual insights into the functioning of the system, FEA eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming physical testing.
• Design Optimisation

By iteratively analysing and improving various configurations to obtain desired results, FEA can help optimise designs.

Top Applications of Finite Element Analysis
The common applications of FEA can be found in the automotive, aerospace, biomechanics, and civil engineering industries. It is considered essential for the following applications:
• Testing and refining product designs virtually before building physical prototypes
• Identifying potential failure points in structures or components
• Assessing and optimising alternative designs and materials
• Predicting how a system or product will behave under different conditions
• Optimise designs by evaluating various parameters and configurations.
• In selecting appropriate materials for a given application.
• Saves money by reducing the need for expensive physical prototypes, testing, and potential redesigns.
• Allowing for simultaneous analysis of multiple physical phenomena, such as structural, thermal, and fluid dynamics.
• Helps in studying complex physical phenomena and gaining insights that might not be feasible through experiments alone.

Final Thoughts

Well, by now you must have an idea regarding the significance of FEA. In short, it enables us to test and make changes without needing to make something physical initially. So if you need help implementing FEA for your projects, our dynamic FEA consulting can help you optimise your manufacturing runs and improve your components by utilising precise finite element analysis. To begin with, FEA, get in touch with us right now.